Sunday, April 12, 2009

15 hours of driving to get home!

We got up early and were on the road by 7:30am. 10 hours of driving through California. I have to say that all the hill sides were green and beautiful. Then 5 hours driving in Oregon. This is a picture of Mt. Shasta. Just gorgeous weather we had. It was even in the 70's thru this area all the way home. We arrived home at 10:30pm. Steven is just amazing. He did all of the driving. This was our last stop for gas. He was getting a bit tired.. but he kept going as long as I entertained him.
So I got a bit silly.. with the camera. I took so many pictures, way too many to post. But let me tell you. There are some good ones! After this one he made me stop because the flash was bothering him. boo hoo.

Obviously this was in Cali, pumping our own gas!

Steven was sick of me taking pictures of him. At least he said so. I think deep down he really likes it! I love ya babes, thanks for the getaway!


satya said...

Awsome! You guys had way too much fun together! It was good seeing you for a little bit!

Rachelle Palmer said...

the pic of you pumping the gas... omg... can you say Sierra look alike?!?! does anyone else see that or is it just me?