Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Miley Cyrus Concert!

Presley was invited to go to the Miley Cyrus Concert with her friend Maisen back in June. The plan was Maisen and her step Mom and Presley and I go together. When the day arrived Maisens little brother was sick so I bought the other ticket and took Sierra too. Last time Hannah/Miley was here in concert I had 4 tickets and took the other 3 girls and Sierra was left out. This time she got to go. I think she had a good time?!Sierra, Presley and Maisen
Maisen and Presley wondering why Hannah didn't show up to the Concert and sing some of her songs!

Sierra enjoying some popcorn and the show!

This is my attempt at a group picture!
Presley fell asleep on the way home. The concert was on a school night and after all her singing and dancing she was wore out! Our seats were one row from the top but center stage! We had a nice view of the completely packed stadium full of Miley Fans! Fun times!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

School's Back In Session!

I Finally got a picture of Sierra.... Happy Day! She is a sophmore this year! I think this is going to be a great year for her! She seems ready to take on the challenges of the 10th grade!
Bring it on!

Cole started High School this year. He doesn't even seem nervous at all. I think because he spent most of his summer at the school for weight training and football... and he knows where things are. He also is in Seminary this year too. Early morning's to study the B.O.M. before he hits the campus! Oh, Cole stood at the bust stop for 35 minutes the first day only to find out later on in the week that they eliminated the bus route to the High school for our neighborhood!
(budget cuts) What else are they going to cut out?Madelynn is in the 6th grade this year. Clear Creek Middle School. She is fortunate to have the same team of teachers that Cole had for 3 years. We had quite a time finding her bus stop the first week of school They changed all of the routes and she gets to walk a bit further than her brother ans sister ever had too. We have the budget cuts to thank for that!

Notice her orange vans... her favorite color! She was so excited when we found those!

Sydnee is in the 5th grade this year
She has Ms. Johnson same teacher Maddy had last year.
She is loving school so far this year!

Presley is now in the 2nd grade! She has 2 teachers. Mrs. Heath (who Sierra had for 2nd grade) and Mrs. Conan. They each teach 2 days a week and trade off every other wednesday.

Presley is loving it so far!

Had to put this picture in of the girls... I love it!

We are almost 2 weeks in to school now and I think I finally have everyone's schedules figured out! It is crazy.. 3 schools.. 3 different start times... end times... sports... early days.. late starts.. seminary! I Wouldn't trade it for anything!
(I am exhausted)

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Riptide's First Game of Fall Ball!

Okay, I have seriously been trying to post a blog for over an hour. Everytime I click to upload images it comes back as an error webpage expired! Urrghh so frustrating! So after shuting down the computer twice it still said the same thing! So then I tried just one photo and it worked! So here it is.. over an hours worth of work for one picture. lol
Maddy is now playing for another team The Riptide 98! This past weekend was their first games. She was first batter and a bit nervous.. but she got up there and hit the perfect slap bunt!
she played 2nd base half of the innings and shortstop the other half!
Grandma Judy let Steven borrow her camera that has a 200M zoom lens on it. Steven got some amazing pics.
The 2nd inning of the second game Maddy hit a triple(that is the picture below) It went clear to the fence!
They lost their first game 7-9
won the second game 6-5
Thanks Grandma for letting us borrow your camera and especially for coming to my games!