Thursday, September 3, 2009

Riptide's First Game of Fall Ball!

Okay, I have seriously been trying to post a blog for over an hour. Everytime I click to upload images it comes back as an error webpage expired! Urrghh so frustrating! So after shuting down the computer twice it still said the same thing! So then I tried just one photo and it worked! So here it is.. over an hours worth of work for one picture. lol
Maddy is now playing for another team The Riptide 98! This past weekend was their first games. She was first batter and a bit nervous.. but she got up there and hit the perfect slap bunt!
she played 2nd base half of the innings and shortstop the other half!
Grandma Judy let Steven borrow her camera that has a 200M zoom lens on it. Steven got some amazing pics.
The 2nd inning of the second game Maddy hit a triple(that is the picture below) It went clear to the fence!
They lost their first game 7-9
won the second game 6-5
Thanks Grandma for letting us borrow your camera and especially for coming to my games!


Kimberly said...

I hate when the pictures don't upload correctly. Great form Maddy! You're an awesome ball player.

Kimberly said... the way, I love your family picture. It turned out really cute. I hope we have just as much luck, but I doubt it.

URFAVE 5+A Few said...

Great family picture. I'm sorry about all the trouble trying to upload your pictures. Nearly everytime I make a post it takes me a few hours because of all my picture troubles! But it looks like Maddy had great games. Way to go!

Rachelle Palmer said...

Go Maddy... So wish I could be there to cheer u on!

Unknown said...

GO MADDY!! Hope we get to come to one of your games some day!!

PS - Krew still asks for all of you everyday...then he remembers u went home...