Thursday, February 18, 2010

The Dinner before the BIG Surprise!

So after Sierra passed her driver's test we took her to Red Robin to celebrate! Steven had been keeping a big secret from her for 2 WHOLE months. Well to be honest he told a few people and word got around, but thankfully not back to Sierra or any of the other kids. So to set up the surprise Steven was to meet us at Red Robin because he was in a meeting (believable because lately that seems to be a daily thing) So He drove her present there and parked it on the other side of our Excursion so it was hidden. Meantime we all enjoyed a delicious dinner. Our waitress was very generous and hooked Sierra up with alot of balloons. Maddy, Rachelle, Sierra and Presley
Sierra even let them sing to her! And she got her complimentary ice-cream Sundae.
So now it was time for her to open her present. Steven and I agonized over and over on how to give her her present. This is what we came up with. I found a little die cast convertible BMW at Target ( the night before, I had been looking every where and had no luck) We stuck the key to her car in the box and wrapped it up. I can just only imagine what was going thru her mind when she opened it up. HA Ha nice joke Mom and Dad! well then her Grandpa told her to take it out of the box and the key fell out. She seemed a little puzzled then. Steven tried to play it off that maybe Target was having a big HooRaa that who ever gets the box with a key wins a car. Nice try Dad.. not buying it. Well, I snuck out of the restaurant and put the Big pink Bow on her car and waited with the video camera for them to come out.

I Don't know who was more excited? Sierra or her Daddy?

Sierra I think was in shock! She asked, "When do I have to give it back?" (thinking we rented it for a joke)
I think the best reaction we got from her was when she realized it was a convertible!
Happy Sweet Sixteen Sierra! You deserve nothing but the best!

Then it was cake time! Thanks to everyone that kept the secret and made it an awesome surprise for Sierra!
Funny little side note: Cole got a twinkle in his eye, the sparkle of hope for a car when he turns 16! Rachelle turns to Steven and says so what are you gonna get Cole? Stevens reply, um I got a couple of years to think about that one! UH... no you DON"T! you have 15 months! Now that look on Steven's face was worth a million! lol


Unknown said...

So much fun!! I so wished i could have been there!!!! Happy Sweet 16th Bithday Sierra!!! I am so excited for you. And De, Rachelle said her party so fun. Good Job on cool mommy skills :-)

Kimberly said...

Cool car...I can't wait for you to take me for a ride!

Kimberly said...

You need to take some daytime pictures of the car so we can see it better.

URFAVE 5+A Few said...

Oh SO SO much fun!!! I remember getting my brand new car as a Graduation/Christmas present. What great memories. I'm sure she is loving it!