Sunday, March 1, 2009

Snow and a Field Trip!

Okay so we had more snow... and it stuck around for about a day.... then rain, then more snow... our weather can NOT make up its mind! It is CRAZY!!! I have a hard time believing in Global Warming! The past couple of weeks have been busy... of course life is always busy around here. I got to go on a Field Trip with Presley's First grade class. We went downtown Portland to the Children's Theater and watched "Click Clack MOO" It was quite entertaining. At the last minute one of the other chaparones couldn't make it so Steven met us there and filled in. It made it especially nice for Presley! Below is a picture of a few of the kids in our group. 6 & 7 yr. olds are so sweet! At least these one's were!


URFAVE 5+A Few said...

That sounds like a lot of fun! Brian got to tag along once on a little field trip and boy did Conner love it. It is special to have a Mom go on a field trip but even better for Dad to get to go on a field trip. Sorry you guys have had so much snow. We need to give you some of our warmth and you need to give us some of your cool weather. The high tomorrow here is supposed to be 90. Can you believe it? 90! I know that isn't so bad but it is if you know what's ahead of us and it sure makes for a long long summer.

Rachelle Palmer said...

That's fun that steven met u!!!