Friday, April 9, 2010

Sydnee' s week

Ok so my week has been awsem.Monday was fun I went to school and i got to do the morning announcments. its called D.A.W.G. DAWG RADIO it is a fun thing to do. The next thing I got to do at school was my work.Sometimes it is boring but then it is not. Oh yah I started to do my state reading test. I really want to pass it! then me and my class got to go to music! ya NOT i hate music nobody likes it. Because of our new music teacher Mr.DRUMB he is the meanest teacher i have ever had. i know i am pretty mean but it is true he is mean. He yells at my class for no reason but when the teacher is in the room he dose not yell at us. So he pretty much yells at us 20 four 7. Oh on wednesday at flag seramony when it was over i saw Mr.DRUMB hit a third grader. Tuseday i went to school went to class did morning work went to Mrs.COOKES litercy group worked on litercy on the computer.Then i went back to class then i did testing.Then i dont remember the rest of the day.Ok so now we are on wednesday it was a long day. I went to school then iwent to class then went to flag seramony then went back to class.then me and my class had to pull weed in the planatorium.Then after school I went to coles baseball game in HOOD RIVER. Thats 45 minutes away. So on the way there me and presley wached a movie called sydney white its a good movie. also it is pretty funny.So we get there and we are in hood river so me mom dad and presley walk to the bleachers. So we sit down on the bleachers. and it starts raining. Basicly sprinkleing out but we were fine we had umbrellas.Ok so the game is fineally over and gresham lost and hood river won but they all did good.So after the game was over dad took us to a pizza parlor so we had pizza for dinner it was so good the pizza that dad got was pepperroni with olives. Presley was pouting because she did not get cheese pizza. But she should be thankful that she got something to eat.Oh yah my grandpa is in the hospital and we all hope he feels better.Then we went home and i went to bed.Ok so now we are thurseday and i woke up with a cold i had an eye cold but now it is better.Also i have a stuffy nose and sore throat.So i had to stay home frome school.So i watched t.v. and movies all day so that sucked.Then the next day witch is friday i did not go to schoool becayse i woke up with my toncles swolen so i an writing this.So my mom wanted me to write about my week so i do not get bored the whole day. So this is what is keeping me busy.Ok so thats my week.


Steven & DeLona said...

Syd you are so awesum! i love your post! you did so good for your first time! My sweet sweet Syd!!!

Unknown said...

Syd!! I love it!!! Sounds like a pretty exciting week!!! And Grandpa should be coming home tomorrow. Keep your fingers crossed :-)

Rachelle Palmer said...

syd what a eventful week. it's kinda sad but funny that Mr. Drumb hit a 3rd grader. and too bad that cole lost his game! :-( i love your post! you should post more often! next time add some picture to got along with your week

Kimberly said...

You are one busy woman...I'm sorry your sick, hopefully you start feeling better!

Love, Aunt Kim