Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Easter At "Grandmother Judith's"

So Here it is April and once again I find myself WAY behind on my blog. So rather than trying to catch up I will just pick up from this point forward. Easter Sunday also General Conference Sunday, which meant for a less stressful morning. Got to enjoy the morning session talks as I made a pan of rolls. It is nice, Maddy enjoys helping with the rolls so it goes twice as fast! All of the kids helped form rice krispie treats into the shape of eggs and then we dipped them into chocolate then into sprinkes.
Grandmother Judith Hosted and made the rest of the delicious food. It was so nice! Presley loved this chicken that I am looking at. It drops jelly beans from its back end.
Okay so Grandmother Judith printed out a bunch of coloring pages of our own family photos. Pretty cool huh! So after we ate we all sat down and colored a picture. This one here of the family is the one I colored. I used colored pencils and well if you make a mistake it is not erasable. And I messed up on Stevens hair and the more I tried to fix it the more he looked like his Dad. I honestly did not mean to do this. Well he saw it and to get back at me ......
He colored this!
It is actually pretty funny. He made me look a bit older and it looks like I have sunburned eye lids but hey, lets face it if I keep worshiping the sun that is what I will eventually look like. Sierra got the biggest laugh. I am pretty sure she took a picture of it on her phone and sent it out to most of her friends. Now it is on our refridgerator. Ya know, where all the special art goes!
This is what I look like for now.
And Here is all of us with grandmother Judith!
Here is Presley's picture that she colored of me. She at least made me look my age.
This is how much fun Cole had!(He did not want me to take a picture of him)
In this photo is Wally, Sydnee, Grandma Judy & Sierra
Sierra and her Daddy
Presley, Steven and Sydnee coloring
Thanks Mom/Grandma Judy for having us over! We had so much fun!


Rachelle Palmer said...

ha ha yes the picture got around on sunday!!! Sierra sent it to me and i have to admit that i showed the whole family!!! We all laughed with u... but i turely think that the one of steven lookin like don is funnier.

~Merrill ~Millennial Preschool said...

Yes, we all loved it and laughed on Sunday! A lot of fun! We sure missed you guys though.... Looks like your Easter was fun! I have that coloring program on my computer, just haven't tried it yet! Now I will!

Kimberly said...

Those are the two funniest pictures in the world. Steven does look like his dad in that picture....I'm sorry, I can't stop laughing.

Unknown said...

I laughed so hard when i saw the pic of you!! LOL

I will agree with rachelle...you coloring stevens hair like his dad is pretty dang funny!!!