Friday, March 5, 2010

Fire And Blood.. (not necessarily in that order)

So Steven absolutely LOVES fires! To build fires, play with fires and the bigger the flame and the hotter the coals the Better! So for Family Home Evening Steven brought his firepit up on the deck and he built quite the fire! I seriously thought the 8 foot flames with an east wind were going to catch the house on fire. He brought it down a notch or two. I am certain the glares he received from me had nothing to do with that!
So a camp fire is cozy and fun to roast marshmallows and make smores but it comes with a price. The lovely camp fire smell absorbs in not only your clothes but your hair too! Now I am not opposed to sitting around a nice warm fire and chattin' but when I have just washed my hair and it actually turned out good for once I was relunctant to join the family by the fire. I did give in and went out and enjoyed Stevens oh so warm fire. I took a few photos to document the occassion. See his blue coals... the stick he is using to poke at the coals is about 2 feet shorter than when he started.
We all came in after a bit and I tell ya, that camp fire smell really takes hold of everything. Steven kept telling me how good I smelled and to get over it. Until morning...
Steven wakes up sniffing.. pokes me and asks if I smell that. I said smell what? He said it smells like something is burning. He sniffs me and says oh my it is you! I reminded him that just last night he was telling me how amazing I smelled and that he really liked it!!! ( ya know, well enough to use as perfume) Needless to say I had to rewash our bed linens too! Oh my, the things i do for love!!

But isn't it a most awesome fire?
He has asked to build one everynight.. I told him I didn't mind but I wouldn't be joining him. He hasn't built one since.

So I had to throw this in... when I was taking my sister Chelle to the airport 3 1/2 weeks ago I was wearing sandals and tore my toenail back lifting her luggage up on the curb. I quickly flipped the nail back and wrapped it in some tissue I had in my car and drove home. In the 12 minute drive home my sandal and gas pedal were soaked with blood and the throbbing pain was near unbearable. I mean what do you even do for an injury like this?
For 3 weeks it hung on strong to the cuticle..
Finally... it came off! yay!!! I seriously never realized how sensitive a nail bed could be! I walked around with a limp for a couple weeks. I couldn't wear any shoes.. the pressure hurt too bad. But I would do it all again if my sister came to visit again! :)
Really I would!!!!


Unknown said...

OH how campfires smell so yummy. Hense the word CAMP in campfire. Thats when they smell good, lol.

And your toenail is rough...Glad to hear it was worth it :-)

Rachelle Palmer said...

I know EXACTLY what u mean about the fire! My frineds all make fun of me cause when we have get togethers and there is a fire i'm the anti social one who won't even get close!!!! and ur poor nail! too bad u didn't post the club picture! that one was a classic!

Kristie said...

Love the fire. And ouch on the toenail- that really hurts!!

URFAVE 5+A Few said...

WoW! That toe nail looks like it hurt BAD! I actually felt a little sick to my stomach for you over that!

Tell Steven that he and Brian can go and build their huge fires and sit together and smell one another. I totally was laughing at this part of your post because I so related to all of it! Man I wish we lived closer. Darn it!