Tuesday, January 6, 2009

COLE of the SUN!

Cole has had the nick name "of the sun" since he bleached his hair.. but if he got to be in this sunshine more often that is what color his hair would naturally be! He also wants to live somewhere where the sun shines 365 days of the year! (AZ) This is Cole... incase he or anyone forgot his name we just had to refer to his t-shirt!
Waiting in line for the Indiana Jones ride! This was Presley's first time on this ride! It made for good entertainment when the big boulder came at us! She freaked out!

Cole and Steven with Buzz Lightyear Star Command

The Matterhorn was one of the favorite rides... especially when we timed it just as the 9:30pm fireworks went off! What an awesome view!

Poor kids.. I made them pose for pictures on every ride and everything in between! They did pretty good at humoring me. I'm glad they didn't give me their usual duck and hide! Thanks kids for being such good sports!

1 comment:

Rachelle Palmer said...

nice hair! and u really should move to AZ life is way more awesome here!!!!