Saturday, November 13, 2010

Presley's 9th Birthday!

Happy 9th Birthday Presley!Presley, my baby, is not a baby any more. She still has the same round cheeks she was born with. Oh how I love them too!!
I love to make each of my children's birthday special. Knowing that we had Sierra's XC awards banquet that evening, I decided to get Presley out of school at lunch time and take her to Red Robin. She was thrilled. She loved the attention as the staff sang to her and she got her birthday sundae.
Then instead of taking her back to school, we took her to see the movie MegaMind. She did not mind that at all!

She wanted me to decorate her cake like the bag of skittles(her fav candy)
She loved opening her gifts... she had been looking forward to it all day.
Grandma Judy gave her the newest bop-it toy.. you bounce a ball on it and it counts how many times you do it consecutively. (A big hit with all the kids)
A couple weeks ago Presley saw a R/C car at the store and really wanted me to buy it for her right then. I told her to add it to her Birthday list. She honestly reminded me everyday to go buy that R/C car. She was more than excited when she opened it. She has already drove it off the ledge upstairs and it crashed landed downstairs. It doesn't work as well as it did but she has not complained. I Love you Presley!!!


Kimberly said...

Happy Birthday Presley! You are a very cute girl...and a lucky one at that!

Rachelle Palmer said...

cute cake!!! that's a big bag of skittles!!! Happy Birthday Diddy...

Kristie said...

Happy birthday Presley! What a fun birthday and I love your cake.