Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Family lunch @ Fuddruckers

Saturday October 30th, after Syd's Volleyball game we drove over to Lake Oswego to eat at Fuddrucker's. Now this is the only one in the Portland area and it is not exactly close. Back in August on our way home from a day at the Beach we stopped in and ate dinner. The Burgers were sooo good that it was worth driving across town for their fabulous Burgers.
This is the best I could do to get the whole family in the picture.Syd and Sierra patiently waiting for their burgers
Presley, Maddy and Steven sippin' their sodas waiting..

Cole got a strawberry milkshake... He was afraid to go play video games in fear of someone drinking it while he was gone...
So as a joke I poured it in another cup and had Sierra pretend to drink it all.
(he did not find humor in this)
I did! And that's all that matters!!!
After eating we stopped at the Duck Store in Down town and then went home and watched the game!!! GO DUCKS!!!

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