Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Halloween 2010

Every year Gresham Town Fair and Gresham Station have trick or treating for the kids. The local merchants dress up and hand out candy and other goodies. It has been a tradition to take the kids . This year it was on Friday the 29th from 3-5pm and so it was just Presley that got to go. She felt lost without all the others. Maddy and Syd dont get home until 4pm and Syd has a Volleyball game at 6pm so I had to take Presley right at 3pm so there was enough time before Cole was done with Football. The weather was perfect. Sunshine and mild temp of 68* Fingers crossed it lasts until the big night of Trick or Treating. She makes a cute Bat!!!
Pumpkin carving time, while the older 3 went to a haunted house Syd and Presley carved the only 2 pumpkins i got this year.

Presley picked the biggest one... it was too heavy for her to lift before she gutted it out.
It was so nice, They did it all by them selves. I just set them up and they did the rest.
All lit up on Halloween
Cole was sad that I did not get him a pumpkin so Syd was nice enough to let him carve a face on the other side of hers
A 2 sided jack-o'-lantern... nice to have, no matter which direction you are coming from you could see it
Okay.. before I go on. I had told the kids that I was not spending any $$ on costumes this year. They had to use what we have and be creative. Syd picked out this shirt at the Duck store and decided to be a Duck fan.
I love her face in this picture!!
It turned out to be in her benefit. She got twice the amount of candy! Alot of Duck fans out there!!
I painted Ducks across her forehead and put O's on her cheeks..
I know it looks like she is making a triangle but it is supoose to be an "O" ( and that is what she is saying in the other picture)
Maddy wore one of Cole's older Football jerseys and the pants.. well i found those at Ross last summer for $1.99... yes... adidas football pants for $1.99 ,Makes a great costume!
Sierra wore Coles game day football pants and his other older jersey, and her friends Savanah and Cassie wore Coles game day jerseys...
The weather did not disappoint. It was absolutely perfect! No rain, No wind, No cold... just right!
Couldn't ask for a better night to be out getting loads of candy!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Super cute!! I need to do a post in the worst way...

Dressing up is my favorite!!! Presley looks freakin cute as a bat!