Saturday May 8th, 2010 Our ward took the youth to the Portland Temple to do baptism's for the Dead. We got the late time slot. Traffic was horrible getting there. We barely made it there in time for our session. What normally takes 35 minutes took us an hour.
I snapped a picture of the girls before we went in because I knew after it would be dark out.
We only had 3 girls attend. Kiara, Sierra and Madison. Next to her is Shelli Acton
Me with the girls.
Sierra and I... it kinda looks like we are posing for our engagement picture. We look ridiculous. Our large bags... ya think we would have set them down for the picture. We were a bit pressed for time.
Brody,Lance,Sierra,Kiara,Madison & Shelli
Back row: Ryan, Kari,Cole, Morgan and me.
We waited and waited for the other leaders in cluding our Bishop to come out but they went out the other side and by then they had left. So we did not get a picture of our whole group :(
haha Delona, you crack me up. You ALWAYS have to a big bag!! Its essential! Your blog is so cute! i love it!!
At first glance I thought you were one of the YW. You always look amamzing! AND oh how I wish you still lived here to sytle and do my hair once in awhile! In all my years of life-you are the only one that ever has done my hair and I've left it alone and not refixed what the hair dresser did.
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