Come Sunday Morning I have to say I was spent. Our busy schedule has kept us going non-stop for the past 5 weeks in a row. This was seriously the first day I got to sleep in to 8am! It felt so good! Sydnee was so sweet, she brought me my favorite Blueberry muffin and chocolate milk in bed for breakfast. Such a sweetheart! Sierra went and picked up Maddy from a birthday party sleepover and the rest of the kids got ready for church with out complaints. After 3 hours of meetings we took Grandma Judy to a late lunch at Red Robin. We had a gift certificate and it worked out perfect. No waiting! ( I know that you are all thinking how sinful of us to go on Sunday... well.. I did not have to cook and there was no mess at my house at all! so there!)
Then we came back and had Coconut Cream pie for dessert out on our deck. The weather was absolutely gorgeous!
Steven with his Mom Judy, Sydnee, Cole, Sierra, Presley and Maddy
Steven and his Mommy!
The beautiful 2 dozen white and red roses we gave to Judy
Our Family: Maddy, Sierra, Sydnee, Cole, Steven, Presley and Me
Thanks for a wonderful day I love my new purse!
Thanks for a wonderful day I love my new purse!
Judy gave me a beautiful heart teared necklace.. if you look close you can see it on me! I absolutely love it! Thank you Judy!
Presley wrote me this amazing letter inside a card and decorated a box with a picture of her on it filled with hershey's hugs and kisses! I love it!
Sydnee and Presley made me a rose bouquet of hershey kisses at their Acheivement Day activity! YUM!!!
They know i love chocolate!
Cole, again looks just thrilled! He pulled up the sleeves of his shirt to get some sun on the upper part of his arms. Right now he has a 3/4 sleeve tan from his baseball jersey. I asked Cole if he made me a card or wrote me a letter... He stood on the railing of the deck and made a speech instead! It was touching, thank you Cole!
Sierra basking in the sun while it lasts... it seems to only come out on weekends around here.
My Maddy... enjoying all of it!
They know i love chocolate!
After 30 minutes sitting in the sun Sierra's legs were Pink, She is the strawberry! Sydnee sat in the shade so she is still a nice shade of vanilla! And mine have seen a bit more sun than there's.. chocolate!
Thank you to my sweet husband that does so much for me! I love you and had a wonderful Mother's Day. To all of children... You are the best! I am so blessed to have all of you in my life. You each make me a better person.
To my Mom's, Sharlene and Judy! I love you and hope you both had a great day!
And to all of my sister's , sister-in-laws, friends, Aunties and Grandma's I hope this day was special for you too!
Cheers to all the Mother's in the world!
Your purse is very cute! I am totally with you on Red Robin, I should have thought of that...maybe my Mother's Day would have half as good as yours...oh wait, Dayson's my husband never mind!
I'm so glad that you had a great Mother's Day. You deserve it! You are an incredible mom and everytime I read your blog I miss you and wish we lived closer and saw each other much more!
About you eating out-I didn't think you guys were sinners-I thought-man I wish we would have done that(we ususally do on Mother's Day but for some reason I'm not sure of we didn't).
Also Cole and Blake remind me a lot of each other in a lot of the ways they are acting. I think it must be a boy thing and age thing:)
Happy Mother's day! I told Loren for Mother's Day when I was a kid we used to go to King's Table to eat all you can eat. I was trying to give a hint, but I don't think he got it. We had a huge mother's day mess! But it was fun!
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