Tuesday May 25th, 2010 The 5th Grade Science Fair at Highland Elementary School. Sydnee chose "Does Rust affect the Power of a Magnet?" She spent several weeks doing her research. Since we have had a very wet spring, pretty much everything that has been left outside had some form of rust on it. This made it easy for her to find items to use for her project. Her Hypothesis was that she thought rust would affect the power of attraction. That it would not be as strong. She concluded that she was wrong. Rust does not affect the power of a magnet. Only the north and south pole of the magnet affected its power of attraction. Each student had to make their posters at school with no at home help. She seemed pleased with her end result. Tonight when we enter the School, all 120 5th graders will have their displays set up in a circle around the room. They were told that the top 8 projects will be moved to the center table with either a ribbon or a medal placed on it.
This is Christine Johnson, Sydnee's Teacher. She is a wonderful mentor. She has been so positive and encouraging for Sydnee this school year. I have really seen Sydnee blossom with confidence.
It was priceless! We entered the cafeteria where all of the projects were set up and Sydnee went over to where she had set hers up and it was not there. She then looked at the center table and saw hers there with a medal on it! She squeeled with excitement. It brought me to tears. I was so proud of her.
Sydnee had worked so hard on this project and had spent so much time doing all of the research and to see her finished display that she did all on her own, just flooded me with emotions of happiness for her. She gleamed all evening as parents and families came and honored all of the students and their efforts. It was a great evening!!! Great job Sydnee! I am so proud of you!
This post seriously made me get teary eyed. I know how much work goes into these projects. Especially, the ones that they do ALL by themselves. I'm so proud of her and her accomplishment. I would have loved to have seen her squeel! That is awesome! Way to go Syd!
Good job Sydnee! That is so awesome. It is so great when all the hard work and effort pays off in that way. Proud mommy moment.
GOOD JOB SYD!!! I am so proud of you. U brought me to tears too...man, i am s softy! I LOVE U!!!
Way to go Sydnee...we are so proud of you. You deserve the best. We love you.
grandma and grandpa Merrill
Way to go Syd! I love being in a smart family!!
Yay Sydnee! (even though she doesn't know me!)
I always love to catch up on your blog! Your family is so cute!
I love that hat you have on in a few pictures! I love hats for that "second-day-hair" cover-up! (or third day, for that matter...!)
And I also wanted to know where you got those cute yellow shoes that you were wearing in the pictures with the YW at the temple?? SO cute!
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