Wednesday, March 4, 2009

One of Those Days!

Have you ever had one of those days that things just don't seem to go your way? Well yesterday was one of those days for me! A simple trip to the grocery store turns into a punctured tire! As I was turning off of the main street to get home.. all of a sudden I hear this most awful clanking noise.. so clearly I know I have ran over something and it is stuck in my wheel wells or under the carriage of my excursion. I pulled over immediately and see this piece of metal thing stuck in my tire... I can hear the air coming out.. but worse.. it had already made 3 gouges(spelling?) in the paint..So I have 2 options... one.. leave the piece of metal in and it will keep dinging the paint.. or Two. pull the metal out and the tire go completely flat.. and I am about 5 blocks from home (with groceries in the back) So I took option #2... And yes it went completely flat... I did make it home. I am thankful I have Steven's truck to drive in the meantime... it is a little less convenient as the excursion.. but hey.. it beats walking! Right? Here are the 3 dings...

This is the stupid piece of metal that somehow went in the tire... I ended up getting a call from one of the ladies I Visit teach needing her prescriptions picked up and some groceries.. so I went back by the intersection that I picked up this piece of metal (this time driving the truck) And there was a broken metal/wire basket in the road.. I had ran over the handle... Presley's team had a basketball game last night too.. we had to split up...since we don't all fit in the truck.. Steven had to drive his work truck. It makes me appreciate a vehicle that we all fit in! When the kids were younger we could cheat and squeeze them all in sharing seat belts. That doesn't work anymore.. they are all too big. There was more to the day but I will stop there.. I have rambled on enough. To be honest... this morning was worse! I won't even begin!


Kristie said...

Hate those kind of day! Hope today goes better! :)

URFAVE 5+A Few said...

Oh man I'm so sorry! I hate those days and trust me I've had plenty. I hope tomorrow is better!

Kimberly said...

Your mom was telling me about the trip when you guys had 8 or 9 flat tires on the way to big lake a long time ago. I told her that flat tires is a Merrill curse because we get them all the time too. The curse must have followed you to Oregon.

Rachelle Palmer said...

oh dang that sucks!!!! i'm sorry De... i'm glad that didn't happen when Sierra was driving, then she'd really not want to drive... lol

Steven & DeLona said...

Okay Steven took pity on my posting this o my blog... he went out and had all new tires put on the Excursion. It looks so awesome... I really didn't expect him to do it right away.. Thanks babe! Love you!

Cindy said...

That is the worst!! I had the same thing happen to me 2 weeks ago. When I took the car in (with the spare on it cuz it was totally flat) the peice of metal was half of a pair of scissors!! Crazy! :)