They had their last game yesterday. Let me tell you it was amazing. Maddy woke up running a low grade fever.. so I gave her motrin and put her back in bed. Her game wasn't until 2pm. By noon she was feeling better and no fever. She had the best game. She scored 20 points. By half time her coach asked her to not steal the ball anymore and to let the other team stand a chance. We were so far ahead that they turned the score board around. The other team started making some baskets... so we were in hopes that her coach would turn her loose again, but he didn't. I recorded the entire game on the camcorder... Mom and Dad(AKA Grandma and Grandpa) I will get you a copy. The girls were thrilled that both Grandma Judy and Grandpa Don came to their game. It was a great game to end their season. This morning Maddy woke up feeling even worse.. so I am thankful that she felt great during her game.
Presley had her last game Saturday morning. I was so proud of my team. All season all but one of the kids had made a basket in a game. So my goal was to make sure he got the ball to score. It was in the first quarter when we set the play up and Jacob made the basket! I had to hold back the tears of joy out there on the court! The crowd went wild! It was the best!
Being that this was Presley's last game I asked Steven to record it. I kept looking over and he appeared to be doing a good job. Well.. Presley had made 2 baskets up through the 3rd quarter and I was glad he was recording... then Presley gets the ball again and from behind the 3 point line she throws it up and swishes it in! I look over again to make sure he is still recording... the crowd went wild again.... full on excitement. Out team scored 41 points! Yes.. Kindergarteners and first graders! Pretty awesome!
Immediately after our game we had our team party. Presley had been looking forward to it ever since the other girls had theirs. I handed out bobble head trophies... The kids were so much fun!
So you know that after the party we went to the girls last game, then home to watch the games that we had recorded. I was so excited to watch Presley make that 3 pointer again. Well Steven in his excitement of the moment did not get it.... he however got good footage of well basically nothing.. but you can hear the crowd go wild! Hey we know what happened... that's good enough right? In his defense he did get video of the first 2 baskets. Steven, thanks for trying.. I do appreciate your efforts. I love you!
I sure wanted to see the video of the three pointer that Presley made!?
Steven you video like most of us who are trying to watch the game and forgets to video.
love you all,
Grandma and grandpa
gotta love the atempt to record the game! too bad it wasn't a complete success... better luck next time! lol...
Well at least you all have the memory of the great 3 pointer shot. Better luck next time. It looks like this basketball season for the girls was sure a lot of fun!
Delona it is so nice to hear from you! I love your pictures on your blog...your kids are growing up so fast! I remember when they ALL were little tikes!:)
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