So Thursday afternoon Steven and I decided that we wanted to go and see the new movie... Race to Witch Mountain... and that the kids wouldprobably like to go see it too. So both of our vehicles were in need of a wash.. and we decided that if they washed and detailed both vehicles AND did all of their regular chores that we would take them with us.Sounds like a fair deal to me! RIGHT! They did a pretty good job. They lucked out and the sun was actually shinning!
As you can see in this picture, the girls even put on shorts! Yes, 52 degrees & sunshine= shorts! I know that sounds cold.. but really the sun felt amazingly warm! Sierra and Cole of course ducked out of the pictures.... these 2 girls still like getting their picture taken.
Of course it always ends with a water fight... and you see who has the hose; Maddy... she thought it was sooo funny to spray Sydnee... it would be if the temp was about 30 degrees warmer! BRRRRR.... so naturally Sydnee comes in alll dripping and crying... Maddy comes in all smiles and snickers! Her response to me was, "Mom, I couldn't resist!"
Oh, I had to throw in a picture of my new tires... and those are snow flakes... We have absolutely CRAZY weather around here! (That was Tuesday)
And, Yes, we did take all of the kids with us on Friday to see the movie! It was GREAT of course!So great that on the way home from the movie Steven told the kids that we should all write a letter to Dwayne "the rock" Johnson for making such a great movie for us to see. The kids were all like.. yeah right Dad... we will get right on that!
Oh, also FYI we finally talked Steven into removing the headache rack on his truck.. So Cole spent the time he had from when he got home from school on Friday until we went to the movie taking it off! I must say... it looks much better! I am certain that I am not alone on that!
u mean that u don't have the honkey truck anymore!!! too bad i was looking forward to steven putting smoke stacks on it and sierra driving it around! then he wouldn't have to worry about the boys chasing her! guess he still gots a few months to work on that! lol...
Sounds like a great time had by all! Whenever I read about you and your family I'm just certain that our kids would be great friends. Darn it. I wish we lived closer!
p.s. I can't imagine Steven driving around anything that wasn't cool!
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