Monday, March 9, 2009

Monday March 9th.. Snowing Again!

Well for starters... it is snowing again as I am writing this. We got an inch yesterday and will probably get that much again today. Now.. in the cascades... they got a couple more feet and the skiing is good! Not that I ski, but if I did... whoo the conditions are good! I tried snowboarding once(remember Angelene & Chelle) I was one with the mountain! Ha...
Saturday the girls basketball games were at the same time. I of course had to go to Presley's.. since I am the coach and all.... so I sent the video camera with Steven to record Maddy and Sydnee's game. I was a bit hesitant only because of past experience with Stevens video recording skills. But I went ahead and sent it anyway. He didn't do too bad.. Cole comentated the play by play... and there were a few floor shots and the camera not quite following the plays on the court.. but the worst is that the disc ran out before the end of the game and Maddy made a 3 pointer! And I missed it! Well there is one last game next Saturday.... and I actually get to go to it! Yeah! I really enjoy watching my children do things they love! By the way Presley did amazing. Our team made 18 baskets... that is 36 points in a 32 minute game! (they play 4/ 8 min. quarters) the other team scored 22 pts.
So let me back up to Friday, Cole did not have school. He stayed busy all day doing yard work and washed and detailed my excursion for me. It looks so good! (although now it is covered in snow) Oh and also, Steven did get new tires for it! I need to post a picture! Anyways... back to
what I was saying... Cole has a friend that happens to be a girl and she attends a different school. Well her school was having a carnival that evening.So Cole had asked if he/we could go to it. Yeah... now you know why he didn't complain having to do yard work all day... he washed the excursion without me even asking. So I did take him and the 3 little girls. I think they all had a good time. Sierra stayed home with 2 friends that she had sleeping over.
Okay so this was the weekend that we spring forward with daylight savings time... It is not an easy adjustment! I really don't like the whole daylight savings time thing! I think it is a rediculous waste and it really messes with your bodies internal clock! It is just wrong! But hey for the next 8 months we are the same time as Arizona! That part I like! I hope everyone that reads this had a good week.. and will have an even better one this week!


URFAVE 5+A Few said...

Wow, snow on March 9th, goodness you'd think you'd be finished with that business. Spring is just around the corner!

Isn't it just amazing how helpful kids can be when they have an a plan behind it all. But hey, at least they are willing to work. I take the work whenever and however I can get it especially if its just volunteered.

I'm glad the girls all did good at their games. Those little girls really scored alot of points! Way to go! Sorry you missed the 3 pointer shot.

Your family sounds so fun. I just know we'd all have such a good time together.

Well stay warm and thanks for all your sweet comments on our blog. I sure miss ya!


~Merrill ~Millennial Preschool said...

I forgot how old Cole is. You have a teenager, liking girls! What fun! Sounds busy and fun, good job girls! I love your family picture at Disneyland.

Kimberly said...

The Cole-Man is getting all the girls!! It doesn't surprise me though, he is very handsome.

URFAVE 5+A Few said...

DeLona you are right my hair did look fabulous! In 1993! I loved it and you were the only one that could do my hair and make it look the way I wanted it to look!

You are right it is funny how the times change. I'm sure I will look back on my hair now in 10 or 15 years and go-oh brother-what the heck?

I wish you were still here to do my hair!!!

Rachelle Palmer said...

ya i remember u snowboarding... u were almost as good as me!!! lol... i swear my head still hurts from my 30mph face plant in the snow! i can honestly day that i have never been boarding since and will probably never go ever again!