Sierra's first cross country meet. She had to be at the school before 6:30am for the 2 hour drive to Eugene. The park is on the University of Oregon's campus.
Syd giving her a good luck hug before her race. Sierra was so nervous that she hardly ate anything. I was so worried about her collapsing from hunger.
I was so proud of her... she ran so well. There were over 140 Varsity girls and Sierra came in 55th with a time of 24:11( I am pretty sure they got her time mixed up with her teamate 23:57)
She was very tired after running 5K. The GreshamVarsity Girls took 7th place out of 17 teams.
Cassie and Sierra
McDonald's was our only option for food on the way home... not the best choice, but when you're hungry.. even McDonald's sounds good.
After 2 nights of late activities.. Thurs Cole's football game, we didn't get home until after 10:30pm, then the Concert on Friday we got home at 1am. Steven was too tired to drive so I did. I had Sierra take a picture of him sleeping. I bet he will think twice before asking me to drive again. Scarry thing is i had had less sleep than him.. thank goodness for a Dr. Pepper and the girls playng loud music to keep me going.
I think mom's are just used to all the running around so we handle it better than the dad' the way Dr.Pepper is my life saver too!
Good Job Sierra!!! I so wish i could be there!!!!!!!!
and Steven sleeping is pretty great
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