So Tuesday June 8th, starts like most any other day....Cole asks if he can go riding at the MX Track after school. I ask him if he has completed all of his microtypes for his Bridges class. He sadly tells me not quite. So I tell him he needs to stay after school and finish them. He relunctantly agrees. I also told him that after that he needs to go to Football practice. They are already conditioning every day after school. Well 2:23pm arrives and Cole calls me. Mom I completed my microtypes during lunch can I please go riding at the Track... I told him no that he neded to go to football because I was going to be helping Sierra make a pinata for one of her class projects. He relunctantly said.. OKAY! Well then 5 minutes later he calls me back and says he doesn't feel like going to Football today, and he will go tomorrow. I battled with him to stay and he said his stomach was still not feeling 100%. (he had a 24 hour stomach flu the day before) By this time Sierra was already home so he walked home. While Sierra and I dipped strips of torn newspaper into the flour and water mixture, Cole got out his motorcycle in the back yard. He got on it, started it up.. reved the motor a few times, then turned it off. The next thing I hear is "That's Disgusting!" I looked at Sierra and we both asked him "what's disgusting?"
See, we were up on the deck and he was down below and we could not quite see what had happened. I went down the stairs and I see blood dripping down his leg. As I get closer i am realizing how deep it is.
I had him sit down, he wanted to go in and shower.. insisting that it was not that bad! UHHHH, no buddy.. I am calling your Dad. As Cole sat there and looked at it he became very pale and more sick to his stomach. I told him to not look at it.
As I am looking at it, I am thinking "where is the skin?" It appears to be missing!
After calling Steven, I called the Pediatrician. They told me to bring him right in.
We got to the Pediatricians office by 4:30pm, they got him right in.
I asked the Dr. what that chunk was hanging out on the left, he said "fatty tissue, looks like we found the only fat he has in his body!" His Doctor came right in and after tugging at what skin was left he then sent us right over the ER
So here we are now in the Legacy Mt. Hood Emergency Room. They got Cole in a room with in 15 minutes. I looked at the clock and it is now 5:30pm. I was commenting on how quick they got him in a room and Steven says "I waited 3 more hours from the time they put me in a room!" I was like ohhhh.... well I guess we have some waiting time. No more than 2 minutes later in walked the Doctor!
A couple different nurses came in and cleaned and flushed out the wound with alot of liquid, preped it for the Doctor! The Doctor, Dr. Samuel Richard had him all stitched up before 6:40pm! The nurses were so nice and witty! Dr. Richard was a very kind man.I think it all went pretty quickly considering!
Here it is all stitched up. BTW I did video the Dr. stitching him up. During which I did get a bit queezy and had to sit down for a bit. All of that tugging and pulling got to me. He had to cut out 2 chunks of dead skin and really had to pull the remaining skin down to meet up with the other side. So The Dr. put 3 stitches inside the wound and then 10 on the outside! A total of 13 stitches!
If you look at it from a different angle it is in the shape of a "C" I told Cole I should use a sharpie and write the rest of his name!
Wednesday morning I was cleaning it and getting ready to redress it before he went to school and you can see the bruising around it now.
After he went to school, I decided to go look at his Motorcycle foot peg and see if any of his missing skin was on it! Sure enough, there it was! So, since I have a backwards brain, I am realizing I never did say exactly what he had done. His motorcycle is tall and heavy and has no kickstand, so when he goes to get off (usually wearing the proper riding gear and boots) he holds onto the handle bars then jumps off to one side so when he comes down all of his weight is going down. He happened to catch the side of his leg on the foot peg. can I just say OUCH!!!
The weather forcast around here has not been to kind, but they are predicting 80's for this weekend. Perfect for riding on the MX Track! But The Doctor said absolutely no sports or extra caricular physical activities for 2 weeks! OUCH!! AGAIN! He has already been scheming on how he can go riding this saturday. "MOM, I promise I will put on the shin guards and wear all of the extra pads that go in my riding gear!" Cole just doesn't realize that that is not enough. All of that stuff will rub against his stitches and further irritate it or make it worse. I feel just terrible that this freak accident happened. But if he would have listened to me in the first place he would have been at Football practice and not home playing with his bike! Tough Love! Gotta admire that he thinks he is invincible!
that's nasty!!!
All I can say is ouch!!!!
Carson and I both almost threw-up!
That looks mighty sore! Poor guy! My heart really goes out to him!
My Conner had an unfortunate experience with a kid bullying him when Conner was 7 and the big bully mean kid was 11. The kid wanted Conner's bike and Conner didn't want him to have it so the kid got mad and threw Conner off his bike and the handle bars fell down on his head. It was a bad deal he had 4 layers of stiches on his forehead for a total of 48 stitches with an additional 4 under his eye. It was a gross looking deal too. Ever since then the sight of anything like that and I almost throw up!
Tell Cole to be careful and LISTEN to his mother and the doctor's orders!
Take Care,
definitely nasty. sick nasty. Cole, mom's know everything. LISTEN next time.
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