Okay so a little info leading up to this moment. Yes, she is all smiles in the photos below. That was not the case earlier in the day. Let me back up even further. Friday Sierra went and took her written test at the DMV. Happy day she passed! YAY. BUT... Sierra's little sister Syd brought the stomach flu home from school a day earlier. She passed it onto Cole and by Monday Sierra had it. Not good! Her Birthday was in 2 days! It was the first day of the new semester at school and she was already missing classes. We borrowed her Grandpa Lindhorst's PT Cruiser for her to take her drive test in. And she needed to drive it around to get the feel of it and to know where all of the buttons and gagets were on it. I am certain Sierra had lost 10 lbs. from vomiting. ( I know that just sounds gross )but Sierra does not have 10 lbs. to spare. With 2 days of no eating she was weak and still a bit under the weather. Sierra managed to make it to her afternoon classes, thank goodness because I had a big surprise to pick up from the airport that day! Auntie Rachelle! They were all surprised to see her when they got home from school or in Sierra's case when we picked her up. Well she drove the car around that afternoon picking up last minute stuff for her party. She felt better and had the confidence that she needed with Grandpa's car. So this brings me to the Big Day. February 3, 2010. The day had arrived and with it all her anxieties of taking her test. She felt that as long as it was not raining that she would be fine. Well, I arrive to pick her up from school and just then it decides to poor down rain. She did not have an umbrella and was distraught in the 50 feet from the school to the car. Needless to say she was in tears. I managed to calm her in the mile drive to the DMV. She had about 20 minutes until her actual test and thank Heaven it stopped raining.
Believe me when I say that this was not the same girl that I picked up from school that day! She was sooo relieved to pass her test her whole persona changed. Huge confidence builder! And she looks gorgeous!( even after the rain)
Here is her "passed" driver's test paper!
Sierra pretending that this is her own car! LOL ( at this time she had no idea what was waiting for her!)
Sierra, I am so proud of you. You are a very safe driver!
Good Job RaRa!!! I failed my first drivers test ;-0
I loved the whole story of everything...I was laughing and crying at the same time at all the excitement for Sierra! What a sweet girls she is. What a great mommy you are! 1000congrats for passing the drivers test! What an awsome girl!
Congrats! Congrats! That is so awesome and my Blake would be so jealous of her. He can hardly wait to drive. It is seriously about to kill him. I also want to say that Sierra is absolutely BEAUTIFUL (Just like her mom:)!!! Do you think she'd wait and date Blake??? She is just to gorgeous for words. Steve get that gun loaded, you need it!!! Happy Belated Birthday Sierra! Fun times fun times!
Take Care,
Thanks for your compliment for Sierra, she is beautiful! Steven has handled the young men very well thus far, he is packin' a concealed weapon. and has 2 others ready if needed. lol But thank goodness he hasn't needed to use them. :) Seriously the boys have been very polite with good etiquette. It is weird having a daughter going on dates though. Even having boys coming over to hang out. I feel OLD! But wouldn't trade it for anything! Sierra is seriously an amazingly great kid!
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