Thursday, April 16, 2009

Independent Presley!

Okay so back a week or so ago when Steven & I were in Arizona/Cali I told Presley she should do her daily reading to Grandpa or Sierra. Each night I would check in with her to make sure she had read and that they signed her chart. She assured me that she read to Grandpa the first two nights. (And yes I see that she is correct, that is Grandpa's signature.) Then she told me that she read to Sierra the next 2 nights. I took her word on it. I wasn't too worried because she is a good reader and she has to read daily to her teacher at school the same chapter that she reads at home to verify she does know the words. If she needs more practice on a chapter her teacher reassigns the same one to her the next day.
Well I had been home for a few days, and not really paid much attention to her chart. You'll notice that I even signed it a couple days after Sierra had. Tuesday,I was busy getting the kids ready for school and I realized that Presley had not read to me last night. So I told her to get her book and she could read to me before school. She quickly told me that she already read to Sierra. Well, Sierra just happened to walk in on the conversation and looked puzzled. "She didn't read to me." I then looked at Presley's chart and realized that Presley had signed Sierra's name! Twice while I was gone and another since I had been home! The little stinker loves to read silently to herself. So she had read the chapters, but not to an adult! She didn't want to bother anyone! See how nicely she signed Sierra's name. lol
She of course felt terrible when she got caught, she grabbed her blanket and went and pouted on the stairs. I must take the blame. I didn't even notice until Sierra said something.! First graders, gotta love 'em!


Rachelle Palmer said...

That is AWESOME!!!! lol... Too cute you can tell she's the baby of the family. If sierra would have done that she'd be grounded!!! lol...

Steven & DeLona said...

Chelle,Sierra would have never have dreamed of doing something like that! She ALWAYS played by the rules! Gotta love her! She still does for that matter!

maelynn said...

That is really could you be mad at that?

satya said...

Love the story...Too cute, I love the part when she grabs her blanket and cries on the stares. Deffinetely drama. So Fun!

URFAVE 5+A Few said...

That is a cute story. Isn't it funny how all kids are different. My oldest probably wouldn't do something like that and my youngest definately wouldn't do that but my middle boy, Conner absolutely he would!!! Kids you gotta love them!!!

Take Care,