Monday, December 14, 2009

19th Annual Gopher Boat Race

Every year The GHS Science Dept. Host a Boat race/ competition for any Freshmen students.. offered as an Extra Credit Project. There were more than 20 boats that entered. They could do it by themselves or have a partner. Cole chose to do it with his friend Randy Thompson. They spent approximately 8 hours designing and building their boat. The object of this competition was for the students to make their boats using only, plastics, cardboard, pvc pipes, recycled plactic materials and tape. And for the boat to be able to hold them and paddle the length of the pool. They were each timed on their speed, and judged on their design. And lastly which boat could hold the most people and make it across the pool. As you will see in these pictures that the students were very creative. I would say that out of the 20, only 7 of them made it across the pool before they sunk or their boat fell apart. It was very entertaining and fun to watch. I over heard one of the teachers say that this was their largest turnout. The bleachers were full of spectators cheering for their friends. As i mentioned they had to use paddles to get across. some of the designs of the boats could have made it if they could have just used their hands and feet.
The majority of the boaters got wet.

Like this one
This red boat is awesome. I am pretty certain it had the 2nd best time.. and design. These girls did a great job.
For most of the boaters the most difficult part was getting in their boats with out tipping them over.
Okay I really don't know how I got this picture in there twice... I am going to blame it on multiple interuptions while trying to upload the pics for this post. lol
So here is Cole and Randy with their boat. They used recycled roofing material... they were 4x4 ft chunks. The boys used this hot wire cutter to shape the design until it broke then they torched a machete to finish up. Then used alot of duct tape to put a seal all around it.

The boys had the fastest time across the pool.
They also won best design and their boat held the most people. They got 9 boys in it.
This boat I think could float down the sandy river with no problems!

Cole was very relunctant to do this project. We basically had to insist that he do it. He actually had fun and said it wasn't so bad, and glad he did it! Great job Cole and Randy. Your boat floated and it was the best!

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Blazer Game and Ice-skating @ The Lloyd Center

Steven got 2 tickets to the "Civil War" Blazer Game. The Blazer's played The Miami Heat but the fans were to come sporting their favorite Oregon Team.. Ducks or Beavers. Being that this Thursday is the big Civil war game and the winner of the game goes to the Rose Bowl! We dressed in green and yellow! Go Ducks! The pre-game was all about the 2 colleges. The half time too... the dance teams played dodgeball... The Ducks won both games. The team Mascots got to run and jump on the mini trampoline to make a basket.. It was a fun game. The Blazer's came up short on the scoreboard but being there is fun.I always bring my camera and Cole kept refusing to let me take his picture. He manipulated me with a new hat from the Fans store. (Thanks Cole for letting me take a picture) Well they did not have the hat he liked in his size so then he was determined to get something else. I agreed to a t-shirt. He wanted a jersey.. do you know how much the jersey's cost?? Too much! Cole pleaded his case with me for some time.. and the manager of the store happened to be listening , and offered us the jersey @ 40% off. Cole is one lucky kid.. he got the Steve Blake #2 jersey and glad to say it did not break the bank.
Here is the Oregon Duck and Benny the Beaver with a few of the cheerleaders.

Go Ducks!
The group of Youth and leaders that went ice-skating.
John Walker, Nick Rumley, Morgan Chavez, Cavan Dover, Josh Heath, Jared Mueller,Madison Taylor, Breeanna Haner, Laurissa Acton, Kiara Tolman, Savanah DeCourcey, Heidi McGill, Sierra Lindhorst, Charmaine, Cole Lindhorst, Lance Acton, Trevor Tolman, Jeremy & Ava Frey
(not pictured: Jo-Lynn Tolman & Me)

Charmaine had a few spills.. but she was all smiles!
Love this picture... In front is Lance, Savanah and Charmaine and in the background is Heidi, Kiara and Sierra
The" o" cheer... GO DUCKS! (With the exception of Lance... he is not all there in the head.. he likes the Texas Longhorns)
Sierra was very grateful to all that held her hand and skated with her.

Fun Activity! I think the youth enjoyed it! (I hope)

Monday, November 30, 2009

The beginning of The Holidays!

Well The week of Thanksgiving is a reminder of how close Christmas really is! The Elementary and Middle Schools have always combined their parent teacher conferences with Thanksgiving.. which means no school for them on Mon, Tues, and Wednesday.. then of course They have Thursday and Friday off for the holiday. Well The high school still has classes Mon-Wed. The 3 younger girls enjoyed having time off and I enjoyed attending their conferences. They are all doing well in school. Maddy straight A's and Syd and Pres with top marks in their classes. Take it from me.. a Mother never gets tired of hearing how wonderful their children are! I am very proud of all of my children.. they all are outstanding Students!
We have so much to be thankful for! Starting with of course eachother and our extended Family and friends. This year we had just a quiet dinner(well it wasn't exactly quiet if you know us) home with just us. The food was delicious as always.. and way too much of it.. especially the desserts. (I can never just make one thing..usually 3-4 choices) After we ate, we went and watched The Movie "Old Dogs" Entertaining fun.
I actually went Black Friday shopping this year! Cole went with me for protection! Which means I couldn't shop for him. But found some great deals.. and managed to avoid too much craziness! Thanks for going with me Cole.
Sierra has always been a tagger! This girl writes on everything! Honestly.. even Fruit!
On the Monday before Thanksgiving, Steven And I had tickets to the TrailBlazer vs Chicago Bulls game. Then Steven got invited to go to the game with the guys so I took Maddy with me. We sat on opposites sides of the court from Steven.. he had binoculars so he could keep tabs on us. It was a fun time. Maddy LOVES basketball so I don't have to worry about entertaining her. Naturally the treats are a must have!

The Blazers won 122 to 98! Free Chalupas from Taco bell! Woo hoo! They must have liked Maddy they gave her 3 coupons!

Sunday, November 29, 2009

One Party after another!

Well this was the latest party... Presley had her best friend Maisen and her cousin Elise over for a rockin' time! These girls (along with Sierra, Maddy and Sydnee.. oh and Cole and cousin Parker too) ate pizza.. jumped on the trampoline... played Hannah Montana Bingo, jumped some more, tossed bean bags into boots, jumped some more, played put the tiara on the princess, jumped even more.. got Hannah tattoos, blinged up their own princess tiara's.. ate cupcakes and ice-cream.. then jumped again! It may not have been raining and the sun was shinning but it was still cold! These girls kept going out without their jackets! They made their own creations with stick pretzels and marshmallows. They were very creative! Thanks Maisen and Elise for coming! They would hardly hold still for a picture on the trampoline!
Such concetration waiting for the next number to be called! They were all winners!

Their cool shades!


I made Presley a tutu to wear for her party.. she wore it for about 5 minutes then the jeans were back on! She said she couldn't jump on the trampoline it it! WHATEVER!
Her cake on her actual Birthday!

She got 2 of her favorite things.. a wii game and The Hannah Montana Movie! Presley loves to do the Hoe Down!

Thanks Aunt Satya for the picture and frame! I love it! Thanks Halee and Sage for the letters and water color pictures and the photo album of us! I have it up on my dresser!

Presley on her baptism Day. Wearing her beautiful dress that Grandma Merrill made. Thanks Grandma.. I love it!
Steven and Presley Steven, DeLona and Presley

A small gathering of a few that attended Presley's Baptism. Thank you to all who made the time to come. We greatly appreciate the love and support we receive from our family and friends!

Thanks Grandpa Merrill and Uncle Glenn for the wonderful talks you gave! I know Presley will always remember your words on her special day.

Auntie Angelene & Presley

Me and my Sister's, Rachelle and Angelene! Thanks for coming and helping with everything!

Okay there always has to be a shopping day! Since Oregon has no sales tax.. it makes it fun to shop! Sierra was suppose to be in school! She had been running a low grade temp. the night before and the new school rules are students are to stay home until it has been a full 24 hours since their temp goes back to normal. So lucky Sierra.. she got to Hang and Shop on the last day before everyone had to leave to go back to AZ.

G-Ma and Sierra!

The morning of the day of Presley's baptism, Maddy's softball team had a fundraiser @ Applebee's. An all you can eat Pancake and Bacon Breakfast! Thanks to all of our family and friends that came and supported her and her team. They were very succesful! Out of 13 girls on Maddy's team.. Maddy sold the most tickets! Woo Hoo!
If you ever have an opportunity to support one of these fundraisers thru Applebee's.. I highly recommend that you do! Their Pancakes were the bomb! And I am not a big pancake person.. but these were delish! Even the bacon!

Our final girlie photo... just outside of Panda Express.... and no we did not plan on our coordinating outfits.. it just happened! Thanks Dad for taking the picture! love you!
Thanks again to all of our family and friends. We soo appreciate all of you. I realize the financial burden it is to come and visit us and we certainly do not expect anyone too. We welcome any and all of you anytime ! We hope to see you all sooner than later!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Presley turns Eight!

My baby is now 8! Where on Earth does the time go? Seriously... it seems as though she should still be a baby.
It has been a very busy and eventful past 2 weeks. I had hoped to get this posted on her birthday, but it didn't happen so I will just have to make due. There is one thing that hasn't changed about Presley is her round cheeks. I loved them the day she was born and I love 'em even more today! Going back and watching home videos of my children I was reminded that
My older kids called Presley "Baba" (pronounced Babe-uh) when she was younger. The funny nick names we come up with and grateful some of them don't stick around permanently! lol
Presley is a very loving energetic child and We are very blessed that she is ours! Happy Birthday sweetie!
I did actually get a picture of her before she went to school that day. YAY me! So I had to post a few pictures of Presley from birth to now! Enjoy! :)
Presley DeLona Lindhorst came to our family in the early hours of Nov. 9th, 2001. She decided to come almost 2 weeks early. I was thankful.. she weighed in @ 8lbs. 8oz. and 19 inches long. Short and round.

Presley and her Daddy, 2 days old. The day we were coming home from the hospital.

Presley @ 2 months old.
Presley @ 4 months old
Presley at 7 1/2 months old
Presley @ 2 years

Presley age 2 1/2
Presley age 5
age 7 1/2 (first day of school 2nd grade)
I compiled photos of Presley from birth through now and my Sister Rachelle and Sierra were so awesome and made a slide show. We played it at her Baptism and it will be a priceless treasure for years to come. Thanks sis and my Sierra!